California DOHA Appeals Lawyer
There are a lot of jobs that are dependent on a security clearance. That certainly includes jobs within the federal government itself, but it also can include work with defense contractors, computer support, and more. The denial of a security clearance is a serious career problem for anyone. The Defense Office of Hearings & Appeals (DOHA) is the place to go for recourse after a denial, and our experienced California DOHA appeals lawyer, serving clients across the United States, is ready to help.
For over 30 years, Attorney Ron Ackerman has fought to protect the rights of those who work for and with the federal government. His background goes beyond being an accomplished lawyer in the arena of federal employment rights. He’s also worked within the government as a law enforcement officer, and been a union leader. He brings a unique perspective and knowledge that is difficult to match.
Call the Law Office of Ronald P. Ackerman at (310) 878-4442 or reach out here online today.
The DOHA Appeals Process
The first step in the DOHA appeals process is to submit a "Notice of Appeal" within 15 days of receiving the written decision from the Administrative Judge (AJ). The appeal must include a statement explaining why the applicant believes the AJ's decision was incorrect.
Once the appeal is submitted, a DOHA Appeal Board will review it. The Board will consider all evidence presented during the initial hearing as well as any new evidence submitted with the appeal. The Board may also request additional information, or clarification from both parties.
The government may tell people that they don’t need legal counsel to file an appeal. Strictly speaking, that’s true. However, a California DOHA appeals attorney, one who has seen more than their share of cases like this, can have a better understanding of what arguments to bring forward and what levers to pull. Moreover, the government itself will be represented by lawyers at the appeal. Why shouldn’t the person who is fighting for their career also have representation?
Call the Law Office of Ronald P. Ackerman at (310) 878-4442 or just fill out our online contact form to get in touch today.
After reviewing all evidence, the Appeal Board will make a final decision. If they overturn the AJ's decision and grant clearance, then no further action is necessary. However, if they uphold the denial or revocation, there are still options available.
The next step would be to file an appeal with the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals' Appeal Board Panel (ABP). This panel consists of three members who review cases that have been denied by DOHA's Appeal Board. The ABP has final authority over all security clearance decisions made by DOHA.
It's important to note that while appealing a security clearance decision can be a lengthy and complicated process, it is possible to receive a favorable outcome. In fact, about 20% of AJ decisions are appealed and applicants can receive favorable decisions after going through multiple levels of appeals.
Fighting for the Rights and Careers of Federal Employees
The quality of one’s California DOHA appeals lawyer might well be the difference in either taking a significant step forward in a career or suffering a hard setback. No attorney can even promise an outcome. At the Law Office of Ronald P. Ackerman what we can promise is leveraging all the knowledge that’s been built up in 30 years of service, and putting that all at your disposal.
Call the office at (310) 878-4442 or contact us online today.

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